New friendships, healthy mouth-watering meals, hiking, nature experiences and the opportunity to disconnect from the screen are some of the things you can expect at Hagabrekka Wanderland. We are all a family during the retreat, sharing meals, positive vibes, lots of laughter and magical moments in nature. This space is all yours, time to listen to what your mind and body need. Time to feel, to be present, to breath, to indulge in flavors, experiences, and time to rest.
Passion is a driving force for new creation in this world. It seems though, as we get older, the passion gets dimmer. It’s like the years of living, stops the belief in ourselves and the immense power we have within. Maybe it is society that has shaped you into caring about certain things that is aligned with what the society should be, in the idea of society and the norm that goes hand in hand with the consumer society based on economical profit alone. Are you as confused as me?
Yoga has a way to bring people together. There is something very special when sharing yoga together in a group of people. Even though an individual practice on separate mats, the energy shared in the room is something unique. Creating peace, tranquility and serenity together, something that can be felt on the outside, but are created by working on our inside, opening up our hearts.
There is something very special to be able to bathe in the energy of the wild nature, to have the abundance all around you when waking up in the midst of it all, to feel the sun kiss your skin, the winds gentle touch, the feeling of life when the rain drops meet your face, the fresh air entering your lungs with every breath you take.